
  • The Parma Armory - 5301 Hauserman Rd. Cleveland, OH 44130

    Home of the 21 Gun Salute Range® - The World's Largest Indoor Double-deck Gun Range;
    Intimate 5 Star™ Gun Range; PASC+V Digital Assault Survival Theater; &3D Archery Range.

  • Great American Shooting Sports

    State-of-the-art indoor gun range that is safe and clean with an advanced HEPA air filtration system. Our staff is friendly and knowledgeable that can help you choose from our generous assortment of firearms by all the popular manufacturers including holsters and apparel. We host weekly meetings for the International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA), the Akron-Canton and the Stark & Summit Chapters of A Girl & A Gun, and other groups as well. Our motto and guiding principles come down to this: “Safety, Knowledge, Training” ...
